WBMT Literary, Film and Television takes great interest in viable copyright recapture ventures. Note: “Works for Hire” are exempt from copyright recapture of grants and licenses. Refer to the links below for more information. The copyright recapture process can be lengthy and expensive. WBMT refers cases on a contigency and commission basis if the previous studio deal based on the original Literary Purchase / Option Agreement shows promise for recapture. Previous and current copyright recapture ventures include “Ocean’s 11” and “Logan’s Run”.
Copyright Office Catalog – Search for your work as registered with the Library of Congress.
Termination of Transfers and Licenses Under 17 U.S.C. §203 – For Copyright Licenses granted in 1978 or after.
302. Duration of copyright: Works created on or after January 1, 1978
For Copyright Licenses granted pre-1978.